After the great flood, a rainbow was placed in the sky. For thousands of years this has remained a symbol of hope, but hope for what?
Whenever a catastrophic spiritual event has occurred, there has always been an escape Plan. Those who took advantage of this escape Plan were granted life. The agreement to take advantage of a spiritual escape Plan is a choice, but we are not prepared to make this choice because we have not learned how.
The spiritual escape Plan that we are being offered is across time on the Rainbow Bridge. The trip across time is not a physical journey, but instead one that we must consciously make by learning how to make new choices. These are called miracle choices.
Miracle choices have always been available to us, but not on a consistent basis. The miracle choice must become as to us as choosing which socks we want to wear. Until this happens, we will doubt the advantages that the miracle choice provides.
As we learn to consistently make miracle choices, we will begin to make a conscious journey across the Rainbow Bridge. In effect, we will first become Rainbow Travelers, and then be known in higher realms as People of the Rainbow. The journey across the Rainbow Bridge is the journey Home. This is the Home we lost access to thousands of years ago when the separation occurred. The rainbow is the bridge that we must cross to find the gate that will open to door into the 5th dimension.
Make no mistake, the journey across time is the spiritual escape plan that has been provided for the people of our world. It is imperative that we begin to learn how to make miracle choices with forethought and consistency and become a Rainbow Traveler.
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